Thursday, November 15, 2007

the nature of things


1. In a paragraph or so, tell about your own personal experiences with nature.

2. We looked at a lot of different means of making photographic images. List three techniques that interest you.

3. Which three artists did you find most interesting? Can you base your assignment on one of these three?

4. In a paragraph, outline your idea for the nature assignment.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Performing the Body

Below are a few links to short videos of performance art to help you brainstorm ideas for your performance pieces.

John Cage
Gilbert & George
Laurie Anderson
Joan Jonas
The Art Guys
The Tiger Lillies
Jackson Pollock
Fischli & Weiss
Oskar Schlemmer

Please watch all of them and answer the following questions:

1.Which of the approaches to performance interested you and why (please be specific)?
2.How are the different performances structured (around time, use of materials, objects, people etc.)?
3.What is the role of the audience/viewer? Are they addressed? If so, how?

Friday, October 12, 2007

still life

Which 3 artists did you most respond to?

Of the 3, which did you personally connect to the most? In other words which moved you, or which personally touched you?

What is your idea for the assignment? Hopefully you spent time brainstorming.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

the body in question

which aspect of the body in question slide show did you respond to? ...for example, abstract images, the body at work?

which images did you really respond to, relate to, why?