Friday, February 1, 2008

unexpected beauty

"That which is not slightly distorted lacks sensible appeal; from which it follows that irregularity –that is to say, the unexpected, surprise and astonishment, are an essential part and characteristic of beauty."
(Charles Baudelaire)

What do you think about unexpected beauty?

in a short paragraph, outline your idea for this assignment.


Clemente said...


I feel that normal beauty tends to elicit a reaction like "wow, that is beautiful!" and unexpected beauty causes a reaction like "Cool...." or "that really makes you think..." Unexpected beauty tends to have a more profound or deep message, or something that is much more appealing to the mind, not just the eyes. So unexpected beauty adds the extra element of appeal to make it look even better.

My (tentative) idea for the assignment is to ask people to tell me the most ugly place or object they can think of, and I will photograph it and it will be ART. mwahahahah!

May said...

I think that unexpected beauty is seen as beauty because of the belief that they shouldn’t be beautiful. This is to say that since we usually see these objects/subjects as the opposite of beauty when we do see the beauty the contradiction with what we thought previously causes it to be more beautiful than what we usually see as beautiful.
My idea is to do something like Ketter and the flat walls. I would find walls that have been destroyed or weathered and to take pictures of them in a beautiful way. I would want to use a medium format camera and to make the prints very large so that the details are exaggerated.

woot! 2nd post!

Rebecca said...

I think that unexpected beauty makes the viewer think twice about the print and not just say the print is beautiful because that is convention. Unexpected beauty can connect to different people in different ways as they interpret the picture in their eyes. My tentative idea is do something like Evans where I photograph common household appliances in a beauty and unique way.

Nom Nom said...

Unexpected beauty is suprising! It's intriguing to find beauty in places that you wouldn't think of. It's the best kind of beauty there is.

This assignment is kind of mindblowing... it's hard to find beauty if i don't expect it...
i'm going to need some more time to think this out.

Lingy said...

Unexpected beauty is finding beauty in something you would not conceptualise as beautiful, but being able to see the nature of such beauty through the medium of the artist. Unexpected beauty can come from anywhere, giving the viewer a sense beauty not through the conventional sense, but through reflection and introspection, perhaps causing a viewer to pause and think "I've never thought of it like this."

I feel like a great deal of unexpected beauty comes from the finer details of nature; small things taken for granted. My proposal is to photograph nature in detail.

Kristof said...
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Kristof said...

It it impossible, at least for me, for beauty not to be unexpected, because all beauty is, to me, is unexpected emotion. When you see a picture and you know what it is and how it will make you feel, that makes the picture dull and uninteresting. But when you are going through random pictures and you come across a picture that you haven't seen before that creates an emotion indescribable that it is what makes the picture beautiful. The Mona Lisa is a beautiful painting, but what emotion does it bring up for you? For me, at least, it's the search for the emotion that makes it so interesting for me, and that is how you know something is beautiful, the level of interest that it provides. Beauty is nothing without unexpectedness.

For this project I want to go dumpster diving and trash picking over the coarse of the week, and take pictures of the objects that i find. I might even put objects together to support what it said in the beauty book about the selection and arrangement of objects in chapter 4.

cindy said...

I think that unexpected beauty is something that people never thought of it to be beautiful, like when they see the object they think it's regular or even ugly but when the photographer takes a picture of it in its own way, the whole image changes. I think it gives a the person an impression or a memory from looking at the photo.

My idea for the assignment is to find things outside or inside that are considered regular or even ugly and take pictures of it from different angles to possibly make it look different and beautiful. i may even build or do something to them. i need to further think this...

Shana Jean Hausman said...

Well...I wasn't expecting it. Seriously, though, I think it's the most interesting kind of beauty. Anyone can see normal, boring beauty. It takes something special to be beautiful and abnormal.

I could take photographs of people making strange faces, almost goofy or scary, instead of the traditional, pretty smile. It'll be a portrait of a pretty face, acting unexpectedly.

sari said...

Unexpected beauty causes the onlooker to take a closer look at the subject at hand. This unique and often personable beauty can have a more powerful affect on its audience. Unexpected beauty can be more influential than conventional beauty because it blurs the traditional boundaries between the beautiful and the ugly. I would like to continue to transcend these boundaries in my project by photographing broken beauty: objects that have once been considered beautiful, but are now neglected and thrown out.

Polina said...

I think that every object/person has its own kind of beauty. However, not everyone can notice it. Because we are so familiar with some things, we stop paying attention to beauty in them.I think that beauty is often hidden. In order for it to be revealed we have to pay close attention to an object and its surroundings.
My tentative idea for this project is to photograph old objects (clothes, books,...whatever i will find) in such way that they would look beautiful, emphasizing on their details...
taking pictures of things in an abstract way and paying attention to composition, shape and etc.

liz said...

I think that unexpected beauty can be defined by the beauty in the everyday. There are beautiful things that surround us everyday that people take for granted or dont even notice. I think unexpected beauty is when you take the time to notice those small things in your everyday life that are truly beautiful.

For my assignment I am thinking about photographing trash left on the street or crack/puddles on the ground. But i am not totally sure yet.

Unknown said...

unexpected beauty to me is something thats not obvious but when think about it you begin to see the underlying beauty of it. i like unexpected beauty because it makes you think and not everyone will see it as beautiful.

my idea for this project is to go to this abandoned factory in providence and take pictures of the rusted materials left there.

Nolan Gargas said...

I think that unexpected beauty is something that isn't at first noticed. It's the beauty you see when you study something closer, when you really dig deep into an object or thing. It requires someone or something who/that isn't just skin deep. It's the detail that is important, not the overall scope.

My idea for this project is find things and moments that aren't permenant and photograph them, such as a persons breath when it's cold out, or a wierd face a person makes when they are laughing. I still have to think of more things...

Samantha said...

Unexpected beauty is seeing beauty in things that would normally be construed as ugly or unattractive. It is surprising. Unexpected beauty makes you think more than regular beauty and can be found in everyday things that we take for granite.
My idea for this assignment is to go trash picking and take pictures of the items I find.

Anonymous said...

I think that unexpected beauty shows how imperfect things can be just as pleasing to the eye as perfect ones. A photograph of beautiful flowers is nice to look at, but after seeing millions of photographs of flowers, it gets boring. Unexpected beauty is about how imperfect things are more interesting because they capture the viewers interest and are different.

My idea for this assignment is to go into Boston and take pictures of buildings/stores that may have once been traditionally beautiful, but now are becoming old and run-down. I think that buildings with paint peeling or a boarded-up window could end up being more beautiful than they were when they were in their prime.

emma k said...

I think that unexpected beauty is often the most beautiful because it stays with you more. It usually leaves a deeper impression because it makes you think and isn't cliched-ly beautiful.

My (very) tentative idea for this assignment is to take pictures of atypical beauty in people... people that you wouldn't normally find attractive (however, i would have to find a way of doing this without insulting the person...)

Joe said...

Unexpected beauty brings more thought to subjects we may overlook. I like this style because it will always catch you off guard and make you stop to think. With classical beauty you have an idea of what you will see.

For this assignment I will take take photos of tools on a plain backround.

Dan said...

Art which shows unexpected beauty is just as valuable, if not more so, than art which shows conventional beauty. One of the purposes of art is to show beauty, and showing unexpected beauty is an artist's way of revealing the beauty in objects that are not normally considered beautiful. It shows that beauty can be found in almost anything.

My idea for the assignment is to take pictures of mundane, everyday tasks, such as mopping the floor, and try to make the pictures beautiful. I would probably use close-ups, etc. to make the pictures somewhat abstract.

angelina said...

While traditional beauty is timeless, unexpected beauty challenges these traditions to create a questionable and sometimes even more intriguing type of beauty. Classic beauty may be aesthetically pleasing, but it does not capture the eye’s attention. One can simply glance at an image of a rose or a sunset and consider it “beautiful.” However, with unexpected beauty, one must ask himself why he is drawn to the image, why he has taken that extra ten seconds to analyze the photograph, why he considers this image “beautiful.” Unexpected beauty is luckier than classical beauty in a sense; it evokes certain memories or emotions that stimulate the mind, as opposed to traditional beauty, which can be noticed and then easily forgotten and cast aside.

For this assignment, I plan to photograph the human body. The curves and shapes in the structure of the human body are some things that I consider traditionally beautiful. However, instead of graceful poses, I plan to shoot the body in contorted forms. The twisting and stretching of the body will hopefully produce lines and shapes that can be seen as unexpected beauty.

Leo said...

Unexpected beuty is cool because it infers that something not ususally considered beutiful is beutifull. I like this idea because you can take anything and if you see it as a bueatifull then intrepret it as beutifull through art. Also that the beuty of somethign is all how u present it.

so for my idea for starters i want to do a lot of deatil so finerain film and maybe go to this abondened building in boston or maybe a junkyard but im not sure yet

Robin Hayashi said...

Unexpected beauty is beauty found in places usually disassociated with beauty. Art, often people, nature (trees, fruit, etc) are often associated with beauty--many artists strive for beauty, people compete to be the most beautiful on a daily basis and nature has often been a source for inspiration in terms of beauty. Unexpected beauty is something that catches your eye that you would ordinarily walk past--the way the bottles in the recycling bin are layered, the folds on the jacket hanging on the hook, the angles of a door. I think that most things have beauty if look deep enough, especially man-made objects (people consciously and subconsciously strive for beauty in everything). Taking the time to really look at an object and find beauty takes a while, but there is nothing that has no beauty or no grace.

I'm still brewing over an idea for this assignment. I don't want to take pictures of things that are thought to be ugly and just be like HEY LOOK IT'S BEAUTIFUL! because that feels too cliche and simple. Maybe I'll just do everything upside-down. Or cut up. Or backwards. I don't know. How do you FIND unexpected beauty? You don't. Thats the point.

natali said...

to me unxpected beauty is something that can be found in almost everything. one has to look deep into something or examine it a few times to discover which qualities are special. unexpected beauty is reflected in an object with imperfections. the japanese used to make clay pots and once they were all done and perfect they would put a fingerprint on it. they did this becuase without the mark, only a perfectly crafted vessle would exist and something that isnt perfect is much more interesting.

my idea? who knows...

leah h said...

I believe that unexpected beauty is beauty seen in objects which most people would have never thought of. Or, maybe it can refer to when people first look at picture and are turned off by it, but once they continue looking at it and studying it they start to notice the beauty and realize what the photographer was trying to portray.

For my project, I plan on taking pictures of people crying/ very upset and in pain because although it's a rough time and shouldn't be beautiful, I know that often times pictures of sad people can be beautiful

Unknown said...

Normal Beauty - Unoriginal ideas that people look at and "awww" and then move on.

Unexpected Beauty - Original, new found, ideas that make people stop and think about. It can be found anywhere if you are willing to find it. If the photographer has really captured the beauty, it flows throughout the picture. IT has to come out of something that no one wouuld normally find beautiful like a cigarette butt, etc.

my assignment will be interesting..

leah n said...
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leah n said...

In my opinion, unexpected beauty is the best kind of beauty because it is the most interesting. While normal beauty is aesthetically pleasing, it does not give me very much to think about as a viewer. And when a photograph is beautiful merely because the subject itself is beautiful, I am not very impressed because the photographer has played a very little role in making the photograph beautiful. However, when a photographer is able to use technique to depict a subject that is usually thought of as ordinary looking or even ugly as beautiful, that's pretty awesome.

For my project, I want to photograph objects that are not exactly beautiful by traditional standards but that have meaning to me/others and therefore are beautiful in a sense. I will play around with lighting, angles, ect. to make these objects appear beautiful.

Anonymous said...

To me, unexpected beauty is far more rich and deep than a superficial outlook on physical appeal. It's something that is not so obvious, and to see it one has to use their mind AND their eyes. It may be conveying an opinion or an undrlying message, either way this kind of beauty is "unexpected" becuase you may not see it at first glance.

For my project, I am interested in the idea of weathered objects and time-tested materials. I like the idea of something important to a person that has lasted through time. Its marks and blemishes are "unexpected beauty" becuase of the history they tell about that person/thing, this is an idea I would be interested in working with.

Caroline said...

Unexpected beauty is a kind of beauty a person does not see in everyday life unless it is pointed out, but when unexpected beauty is captured in a photograph, it is obvious that it is beautiful.

For my new assignment I want to take pictures of people in motion. Not motion like walking but motion like sports related, possibly a track runner or a basketball player. When watching someone run it is not beautiful but in a photograph it could be.

Pesh said...

The normal aspect of beauty is that which can be seen with the naked eye. Most people fail to see what lies beneath, under all of all the layers. So they say, beauty is skin deep or beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In saying this, my idea for this topic will be something along the lines of beauty through the eyes of different people. Different people have different opinions. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Like the scene in the movie American Beauty, when a plastic bag floats through the air in all its grace and glory. Only two people in the movie found that to be beautiful. This will be interesting to see what I can come up with.

Pesh said...
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SDK said...

I believe that unexpected beauty is ill because i like the look of industrial parks and slums and stuff.

My idea for the assingment is to take pictures of factory's and dirty looking industrial buildings. For this will show the unexpected beauty of dirty buildings.

Laura said...

Unexpeded beauty....ditto to Clemente. The book we are reading is trying to assess why things are beautiful to different people. well in that case, unexpected beauy can be something that all people do not universally find beautiful. somthing with a personal connection or something like that. diffrent people find unexpected beauty in different things because of their dfferent experiences.
For this project I hope to be able to find beauty in age. i woulld love to photograph the elderly, as well as their homes, which, like them, have seen so much that their comes a beauty with their history

Unknown said...

Unexpected beauty usually requires more thought to be understood. Normal beauty is easy to see by everone, but unexpected beauty is hidden in the depths of it's image and possibly inner beauty. I think it has to do more with meaning or inner beauty than what we consider traditional or normal beauty.

My idea for this assignment is to ask people to show me the gift they had been given that meant the most to them and photograph it, because to someone, somewhere, that object is beautiful.

sheera said...

the unexpected beauty is unique and is more complex than the common beauty. It is harder to find but when it is noticed it is deep and grabs your attention. you have to look beyond what first catches your and and find the meaning behind the picture.

For my aasignment i want to take pictures of body parts that are not commonly ears, feet, hips, fingers, arms, and so on and get close ups using shandowing so the body parts look important and more than what they are.