1. In a paragraph or so, tell about your own personal experiences with nature.
2. We looked at a lot of different means of making photographic images. List three techniques that interest you.
3. Which three artists did you find most interesting? Can you base your assignment on one of these three?
4. In a paragraph, outline your idea for the nature assignment.
uno. well, it just so happens that i just went on a hike with HIKING CLUB! it was great. i should have brought my camera because we saw some sweet stuff to photograph. i like hiking because you get to the top and you see everything and it looks small. and because my favorite sound is when leaves crunch when you step on them.
due. i really liked the collages by chase. i liked the photograms by burchfield. and i liked the japanese inspired scrolls by dimsdale.
tre. i find caponigro, gertler, and goldsworthy the most interesting. if i had the talent i would definitely base my assignment off of andy goldsworthy. he rules
quattro. my idea is to look at the relationship between nature and human intervention. for example, in my backyard my pool is closed so the top fills up with water and leaves fall in, so it could resemble a pond, but it is really just a man-made thing. i also think the cellphone towers that look like trees are really funny.
1. I really like nature and experiencing all the nature has to offer. I think that it is really cool to run, bike, hike or do another acitivity to be able to see the changes during the seasons in New England.
2. First, I liked the long expossure by Chislitt of the fog. I also liked the old and new pictures together by Klett and the pictures by Sugimoto of the same subject at different times of day.
3. The first artist I like is Zimmerman because he conveys different sense of time. I also like Horn and Chase.
4.My idea is to dom something with time and photograph the same scene at different times of day. Then I thought I could post them together as one photo with different shadows.
1. My family has always been the one that goes on camping trips and hikes for vacation. My experience with nature has been walking past trees growing up through cement in the city and also being in the middle of nature in Newfoundland or Maine. I have been to the Grand Canyon and other places out west, so I have seen many different forms of nature as well.
2. photograms, blueprints, and panoramas done with multiple prints
3. I found Pfahl, Balog, and Eshbaugh compelling.
4. Using the same idea as Balog to create my project, i would do it in a panorama style with more than one print. I think I would like to take photographs of the ocean and do different distances and shores, but match up the horizon line, looking at water in contrast with the sky. i also know there are a lot of quotes about the horizon, which would help make my project feel more complete and purposeful.
1. Every year at camp we go on a two day white water rafter trip camping trip. We sleep in the woods for the first night and on a field under the stars for the second one, and it is truely amazing.
2. I think using blue or sepia toner sounds like an interesting challange. I would also like to try making photograms or collages with several photographs.
3. I thought Eshbaugh's photographs with two rolls of film going through the camera were really interesting. I also liked Klett's pictures that showed old and new pictures of Yosemite combined. I am basing my assignment off of Plumb's pictures of the animals either dead or caged.
4. My idea for the nature assignment is to go to an animal shelter/pound and take pictures of the animals there. I would take the photographs of the animals while they were in their cages, in order to show nature being entrapped.
1. I have always enjoyed the sounds nature makes. Whether it be the waves crashing on the sand, birds chirping in trees or the silence of a snowy New England day, I love the engulfing feeling natural noises have. Although I don't belong to a hiking family, I have spent a lot of time in deserts and beaches in Israel, which are absolutely breathtaking.
2. I like the scientific way of photographing nature. I also like the long exposures of water(Kurita) and the use of close ups.
3. I found Graham's inverted trees , Weston's close ups and Madahar's helicopters most interesting. If i had to base my project on one of these artists it would be Weston.
4. I would like to photograph the blemishes of nature, which are often neglected, because we try to envision nature as perfect. I was thinking of doing close ups of bruised vegetables and fruits. I also wanted to photograph wilting flowers. My goal is to find the beauty in what we consider to be an uglier side of nature.
1. Every year my family goes on at least one camping trip. We also go hiking, canoeing, kayaking and to the beach alot. To me nature is a reminder of what it's like to be without of the new technologies, and to appreciate what is around. It's also a time when my family can just be together.
2. I really liked the photograms, the paper used by the starn twins, and the long exposures.
3. I loved the pictures by Ansel adams, because of how unrealistic and magnificent they were. I also found the work of Klett and Hayes to be very interesting.
4. I would like to photograph man's effect on nature in a way much like Kenna, to show that while man have destroyed parts of nature, what they have done can also be seen as beauty.
1.) I am not really a nature person. But I do love the everyday beauty you can find in nature.
2.) I really liked the underwater photograms. I also was interested by the panoramic images and the collages.
3.) I really liked Gran's upside down tree. I also thought Ansel Adams pictures were amazing. My favorite pictures were Zimmerman's collages--and I will probably base my assignment off them.
4.) For my nature project I wanted to photograph the simple beauty of nature and make it into a collage.
oNe. I went on a hike this morning with hiking club and it was pretty fantastic. I also live in a house that borders the woods so I constantly have exposure to nature, but in a strange context. My neighborhood is so classic suburbia and then the wildness of the woods stands in relation to it in an interesting and sort of ironic way.
tWo. collages, photograms, and conceptual art
thrEEE. I thought that Capomigro, Eshbaugh and Misrack were the most interesting, and I also really liked the conceptual idea of a walk in the woods by Fulton (and Long)
fOuRR. My idea is ton use Fulton and Long's simple concept of a walk in the woods but instead of simply documenting I'd also like to explore the relation of man to nature and how nature is effected by man's presence in it. Like trash and other remains left behind in nature by people in contrast to the beauty of nature by itself.
Une. Well, it just so happens that I also just went on a hike avec le club de HIKING!!!!!1!!1!11! C'est fantastique. I also did not bring my camera simply out of lazyness, and I can tell you, that was a big mistake. My favorite experience was watching Teresa slip on the leaves and fall. It was HIL-AR-I-OUS. LOL. But anyways, I really like hiking because you look all hardcore and stuff. I also go camping every now and then, which makes me smelly. But I still like it. Nature is nice because it gets me away from modern things, like blogs. RollOntheFloorLaughing.
Deux. Some techniques I liked was Davis's pictorials, Freidrich's shallow depth of field, and the guy who jammed 2 rolls of film into his camera (I forget his name).
Trois. I enjoyed Van Gogh, Ansel Adams, Chisholm. I would like to make my assignment like Ansel Adams, but I don't have time to camp out on a mountain for weeks at a time to wait for the perfect lighting.
Quatre. My idea is to use black and white infa-red film and take pictures of vast landscapes, or some type of wide open place, like a field/meadow. I think this will explore a lesser seen side of nature, that wasn't even in the slideshow. Plus I want people to think I'm really artsy and kewl.
1. I really like spending time outside in nature. My family and I like going to parks and beaches, although we don't go very often.I can say that, in Russia,my family, my friends and I often organized picnics in the woods( which was like two steps away from my hometown) and went swimming in the river in the summer.
3.I liked Adams,Balog, and Torbert.
I liked Adams' slightly surreal images, Balog's technique of composing an image out of 100 photographs and Torbert's exagerated, bizarre-looking giant flowers(also surreal).
4.I would like to either photograph nature and its patterns mixing it with the idea of surreallism-creating a place that doesn't exist(using photoshop) I would also like to capture different lighting and its effect on nature.
1. The two things that stick out in my mind the most are when I was (7ish?) my family went to hike Mt. Washington. The day before the hike, I fell and got these huge cuts on my knees, but I still went hiking anyway. Also, in 8th grade I was in the "Nature's Classroom" trip which was an overnight outdoorsy/educational thing for several nights.
2. I like the use of blur by Bae and Gugimoto, the photograms from underwater (Derges) with the stobe lights were really cool, and I also liked the collages to that made up those panoramic shots (Lowry).
3. I found Caponigro, Freidrich, and Madahar the most interesting. I don't think I could base my assignment off Freidrich, but something like Caponigro's and Madahar is definentely possible.
4. For my project, I would like to take pictures of woods etc (in the wild), and try to capture the eerie/dreamy/dark/mysterious look to show nature in a way we don't normally look at it.
uno. Okay, well, I'm not going to lie. I'm not a huge fan of nature. I mean, I tolerate it, and sometimes I do enjoy being outside when the weather's nice, but the second a bug crawls near/on me I freak out and return back inside. I do like playing in the snow though...if that makes up for it at all.
dos. I'm a big fan of the photograms, the long panorama's and the ones with like a lot of pictures all placed together.
tres. I love Ansel Adams. Caponigro and Klett were pretty great too.
cuatro. So far, my idea looks to combine the body project and nature into one big super thing. I want to do diptics of people kind of mimicking the shapes of nature. It may sound a bit weird now, but yeah, its gonna be great.
YAY FOR COMPLETING THE BLOG ON TIME! & lollerskates at nolans post!!!11
1.Every summer since I was a five my parents and I and another family have always gone on vacation with each other. we always went to places where we would hike and be outside all day. We went down the grand canyons on mules and went to Yellowstone. I always thought those vacations were really fun and being in nature was relaxing.
2. Three techiniques that interested me were the photograms,panoramas, and collages.
3. I liked Ansel Adams, Wylie, and Siskind. I can base my assignment on Wylie and take pictures of reflections in water.
4. My idea is to go to different bodies of water like oceans, lakes, and ponds and take pictures of the reflections in that body of water.
1. I horseback ride a lot, and I'm a counselor at a horseback riding camp and we will take the little kids on trail rides up through the woods and on the mountains in vermont. Sometimes the counselors will go alone, and it's great when you get to the top of the mountain and can just look down.
2. I really liked the photogram technique. I also liked the blueprint, and I found it interesting to do these types of prints in water.
3.I liked klett, balog, and kurita
4. I would really like to try to do photograms or blueprints of objects from nature without pressing it down with glass, so you can really see texture and shadows.
1. I went on a boat trip a two years ago. We were the crew of a schooner, learning to run the ship as we went. Someone had to be on duty twenty-four hours a day. Once, I was on look-out, meaning I was standing on the bow of the ship looking to see anything that might be seen. Not much could be seen that night, though, because there was a huge storm. Rain was flying into my face mixed with sea water, wind was blowing my hair everywhere, and I had never felt more alive.
2. a) higher contrast to outline forms, b) stop action to catch a moment in nature, c) bright, vivid colors.
3. I loved Weston's vegetables, Madahar's helicopter seeds, and Wylie's photographs of shadows on the water. I could base my assignment off of Weston's vegetables.
4. I would like to do something a little like Weston's photographs of vegetables. Either that, or I'd like to photograph the water. Perhaps I could drop things into the water and photograph the splashes, or maybe have someone drop stones in for me.
1. My favorite person experiences with nature come primarily from the traveling i do with my family. We hike and boat and take walks everywhere from Newton to the Grand Tetons and the Alps. However, most of the time my experiences with nature just come from taking runs or bike rides around the charles river or just around newton's woods and ponds.
2. photograms/cyanotypes, triptichs/diptichs, panoramas
3. I really liked Holwalt, Cunningham, and Weston. My assignment could relate in doing closeups, and sort of soft pictures
4. My plan for the assignment is to either explore dead plants, doing close ups and having it be very soft. Or my other idea was to take abstract close ups, and it could be very colorful and bright... but it is winter,,, so i will probably go with the first idea
1) When I was little I went to this camp where we ran around in the woods all day and splashed around in this stream and went mud sliding and lots of other stuff. The best part was exploring the pond, and the stream, and the woods, and being able to get as dirty and as wild as we wanted. Now, I still love nature because I get to step away from everything and just be. Nature equals a kind of freedom.
numero dos) three techniques that interest me are the photograms (esp. those done on the spot), handmade paper, and the collages.
3) The artists that I found the most interesting were the twins (i know their name begins with an S...), Eshbaugh, and Schrager. I dont know if I could base my assignment off of them, but I could possibly create my own photo paper, or use two rolls of film at once.
4) I'm going to South Carolina, so I'm thinking of portraying the strained relationship between humans and nature. I have many ideas. I could
take pictures of my grandma's domesticated garden with exotic looking flowers, or take pictures of palmetto trees next to stores or resturants, or how the beach is right next resorts.
I could also go to this nature perserve that is being erroded and take pictures of the errosion and the wild life, and make it kinda moody.
yeah, Laura G.
1. I've always loved nature and being outside- there is something comforting about being in nature. Nature is usually something pleasing, but in the winter it seems like more of an enemy. I hate shoveling snow and walking in the cold.
2. The photograms were very interesting- especially the large ones, such as the ones by Derges, done in the river. They were very eerie and also peaceful. Balog's panoramas were also interesing- I really liked his techniques of putting a lot of photos into one picture. I also like the idea of using long exposures.
3. The most interesting photographers to me were Balog, Weston, and Derges. I think that I could base my assignment off of one of these- it would be cool to do a photomontage or a panorama in the style of Balog.
4. My idea is to use a technique similar to Balog's and take many pictures of one subject, then form them into one image. This could capture something large-scale (such as a tree), or make something small (such as a rock or a leaf) seem larger.
1. My parents really like the outdoors, so I was constantly dragged around with them on all their camping and hiking trips or whatever other outdoor trip they went on. I enjoyed some of the hiking and water rafting but after a while it became annoying because it was too much time outdoors and too much time around the family. That and the bugs managed to kill off most of my love for nature. But I still like to go for hikes once in a while and it’s nice to be outside when the leaves change color and fall.
2. I liked the photograms, long exposures, and panoramas.
3. I think the most interesting were Graham, Balog, and the Starn Twins (but not the bug ones). I might try something like what Balog did.
4. For my project I’m thinking either doing something like Balog did with taking lots of close ups and then putting them together into one whole picture. Or I might do photograms of leaves; showing the different shapes and the designs the veins make.
1. Well, before this summer I hadn't experienced much in nature, but this summer i went hiking in Israel, specifically through the negev desert. The desert was an amazing place, we were completely immersed in nature. Surprisingly that 4 day hike through the desert was my favorite part of my trip.
2. long exposures (specifically of water), photo collages, and shallow depth of field
3. ansel adams' mountain ranges and such, weston's vegatables, and Klett's photo collages of Yosemite
4. I would like to either take pictures of artificial nature as man's interpretation of nature or photo collages of water using different bodies of water
1. I love nature. i love going camping, or taking long trips canoing, or hiking. my goal is to live off of only nature.
2. I like the photograms, The water exposure, and the close ups.
3. i loved robert something.... the spiral jetties. they were really cool. Eshbaugh was interesting. Weston is good also
4. Since i really liked how one of the photographers showed the different elements. I want to do man reacting to elements. but it will only be a hand. i will have 4 pictures, a black background in each. a flame will represent fire, dirt for earth, water, and smoke for air.
1. Nature is quite interesting and affects me in different ways. If it's sunny and warm outside, i feel happy! but then if its hot outside, i feel really sluggish and sleepy. Then if it's cold and rainy, i feel lazy too and if it's freezing then i feel like the world is out to get me. On the other hand, when it's snowing i feel very happy, the snow is quite pretty, until cars drive over it, then the snow is just ruined.
2. 3 techniques that interest me were the taking series of picture and then pasting them together to form a picture, photogram, and the water ones.
3. 3 artists i found interesting were Demony with his lightning pictures, Zimmerman and his water picture collage, Cunningham with his closeup of plants.
4. My idea is to do a mix of taking pictures of closeup of plants, and then putting them together to form a whole new plant. Maybe it'll be a mutated plant... haha. Or maybe to just shoot landscape and then put them together to form the landscape.
1.I have only one place where i could honestly say that i have had an actual experience with or in nature, this place is my camp in Becket, MA in the berkshires. At this camp young boys and girls(at the girl camp) are encouraged to convene with nature, at the camp there is limited to no electricity and very few current day "assets"
2.I really enjoyed Buchfield's photograms,i also found Chillit's fog picture to be quite captivating, finally i liked the cool effects that both the blue and sepia toners had.
3.Caponigro, Zimmerman and Buchfield are two of my favorite photographers from this project. I am going to base my project off of Buchfield's photograms.
4.My idea for this project is to use similar items like Buchfield, to protray nature in its most rawest form directly on to the paper.
1. My grandparents own a house in middle-of-nowhere, Canada. Its absolutely stunning-no electricity or running water-completely back to basics. We live in the forest and on the lake, and I remember being really struck by the complexity and sheer beauty of nature for the first time there. The forms of everything, the rich colors, and the amazingnessocity away from "civilization." Ever since then, I've connected the beauty in nature with that experience (forest, trees, water, sun)
2. Multiple images: I really liked the idea of taking a picture of a landscape/scene and using many pictures to capture it, especially using different perspectives and depth of fields.
Photogram: I've done photograms before, but I've never really experimented with them the way some of the artists from the slideshow did. I'd like to work photogram with color (digitally? I'm not sure how to do this...), but I think it would be a nice change from developing/printing/etc
"Unfinished" work: (The Starn Twins) I'm not sure how they did all their stuff, but all their work had a sort of edgey quality that I've never experimented with before. I'd like to create the atmosphere they do with their images.
3. Adam Fuss-his photograms were amazing! It would be hard to create something like his sunflower image, but maybe water?
Jerry Burchfield-more photograms! But his were of a different atmosphere. He made made nature have both fake and real elements, which I liked. Color?
Chase-I loved his work! Even though they were made up of different photographs, they all had layers and came together as one image.
4. First: find an landscape, not necessarily beautiful, but out of the ordinary and take a bunch of pictures (color film). Not all from the exact same view/area (example: field: different grasses, different horizon line. Chase-style, focusing on layers and color patterns.
Second: Since finding a landscape I would want to take pictures of might be difficult, I would also like to experiment with photograms. I could take leaves/flowers/rocks? and create a photogram. also-slices of different vegetables (Min? maybe?) and lie dirt around them so it looked like a slice of teh underearth. Maybe scan them into the computer to add color/other elements.
sweet, dude.
Uno. My own personal experience is that i used to go hiking a lot with my family. that was funnn...i also went camping once a year with fam friends and that was awesome to live off nature.
-one tech. that interested me was the collages
-another was the photograms
-and another was definitely the dark toned, high contrast, funky color ones. esp the ones where the water is flowy
3- and Fuss
I would definitly base my thing off of them but i dont have the camera or the ability to go to a really cool place far away
four.My idea was to do some photograms and then some cool high contrasty type pictures. I'm not sure what im going to photograph yet.
1. I used to walk in the land around the reservoir near my old house. I liked to stay there alone and listen to the quiet and rustling of trees. Sometimes i would wade through the mud of the dried-out water and look at the shellfish and footprints of the birds. I used to hike a lot, especially in the Blue Hills. One time i saw a rattlesnake.
2. Three techniques that interest me are doing photograms, making panoramas, and also the use of toner to tint black and white prints.
3. The three artists that i found most interesting were Gugimoto (with his photos of the sea), Long's panoramas, and Plumb's photos of animals manipulated by human existence. I can tie Plumb's themes into my assignment, with his idea of how humans alter and take nature into their own hands.
4. My idea for the nature assignment is how humans take nature convert it into/represent it in man-made things. Perhaps i will use diptychs to connect and portray a contrast between such items as plastic flowers and real flowers, birds and airplanes, the imitation of nature within the home (wallpaper with apples on it, ceilings painted like skies) versus the real thing...
one. I'm a fan of nature. I went on a hike yesterday (hiking club!!1!1!) and it was quite enjoyable. It was really relaxing to get away from civilization and all my responsabilities for a few hours and just soak up nature's aWesOmeneSs.
two. panoramic, photograms.
three. weston's vegetables owned. Jerry Burchfield and the Starn Twins were pretty good too.
four. I'll probably shoot interesting patterns/colors that I find in nature. or something like that. yeah.
-Leah N
the lonliest number. When I was a kid I played in the woods a lot. Theres a dell at the end of my street and i used it as my imaginery stage. I also have a tree house, pretty much ditto.
not quite as lonely as one. Photograms, especially the underwater ones, Chislett's fogginess, Ansel Adams
company. goldsworthy, the one of nature intruding in modern society, and the chinese photographer
four. i would really like to do overly saturated prints, kind of like the chinese photographer (Bei?). like make the flowers attack you saturated.
1. Yesterday, as I was sitting in my living room watching some tv, I heard a brief noise comming from the ajoining room. Suddenly, a chipmunk ran across my living room floor. My cat say useless on the couch. In the brief moment before I got up to chase the chipmunk, I had a moment of "oy, I live in the woods". My house is located in an obscure location; right on the charles river surrounded by forest. I have lived here all my life, and it has provided my with many opportunities to be close to nature. Most of my time is spent outside in the almost complete silence of the woods, and i think they have severely influenced who I am.
2. I really liked the arial shots that Matsui did, Burchfield's photograms, and Dagliuso's use of homemade paper.
3. I found Beck, Kurita and Friedlander the most interesting.
4. i would like to to a panorama that doesnt quite match up. I would like to go as far as I can with it, maybe a long sereis with 360 degrees. I would wanted to do some quiet nature-beauty, somewhere simple and relativly untouched.
1. I have always loved nature i go with my family on weekends to our 10 acres of land in westport, MA. I often just walk around and see what has changed and what has stayed the same.nature always amazes me.
2.i loved the collages by chase, panoramas by uttech i think. HUnting series (adding things to a picture that werent there but still are relevant)
3. I like chase, capanegro and
4. take pictures from my trip to utah and combine them with pictures of lanscapes from around here maybe put togetrher a collage with them, or compare tall spires of rock (hoodoos) with buildings natural vs. manmade.
1. In the eight grade I went on a trip called nature's classroom. We slept in cabins and did bonding activities in the woods. We learned a lot about nature with instruction as well as by being surrounded by it.
2. I liked the photograms, panoramas and long exposures.
3. I liked Watkins, Tobert, and Balog. I liked the view Watkins used to photograph trees and the formation Balog set his photographs up in.
4. I want to do panoramas of a 360 view of two areas to compare how they are different and how humans see them as different.
1) my family used to take a trip once a year to montana and stay on a ranch and go horceback riuding in the mountains and we were in nature all day and i really enjoyed it.
2) i really like the collages in the slides and the photograms and the long exposures of the water.
3)i really liked ansel adams. grahm, and weston.
4)for my nature project i wanna work with long exposures on water (different rivers or streams)
1.I love to bike ride on sunny days and just look at the nature around me. There might not be much of it, or it might be controlled by man, but it's still nature.
2.I loved the photograms by burchfield, the scrolls inspired by japanese culture by dimsdale, and ansel adams beautiful mountain ranges.
3.I loved Wylie's water photographs, Weston's close ups, and Kenna's man adapted photographs. I might base it off of Kenna.
4. Im thinking that I could take pictures of traditionally man adapted things, like parks or swimming pools. I want to make the statement that man-made nature is not the same as natural nature.
1.my expirence with nature has been constant throughout my life, mostly i have spent time in mountains in New Hampshire camping.i love the smell of trees and the river rapids.
2. i reallly liked the long exposure of the fog by chislitt and the water and close ups of leaves. also i like the collages.
3.I found Beck, the twins, and caponigro. i really like caponigro and i could base my assignment on him because the fog around the charles river reminds me of his photo.
4. i want to a personalrelationship with euroupe that is quiet and peaceful and make a collage with other picture of the destructive force of nature to let the viewer expirence the many faceted feelings nature can give you.
1-My most memorable experience with nature would have to be the wilderness camp i went to a little while ago .We had to live in 3-wall cabins and would go on canoe trips through the woods. That and the occasional canoe trip down the Charles to the MIT tree house (which is said to have been torn down now) are the best experiences with nature that i have had.
2-One technique that I hope to try is painting liquid emulsion on paper to make it photographic and slightly messy and unprofessional. Another way i would like to try to print is using toners and blue-prints. The last technique I liked is from the pictures from Balog (?).
3-My first favorite artist from the slide show was Ansel Adams for his emphasis on light. The way the sun hit the clouds was amazing in the picture of the mountains. The second artist that I found entertaining was Monets, especially for the first picture shown by him of the mountain ranges and his attention to detail. The last artist that was interesting to me was Siskind for his dark outlook on life. The contrast in the pictures made it seem so.
4-I hope for my project to stick to the idea of mans attempt to control nature. i would show maybe a tree with chains on it, or a bird barley getting away from a bunch of hands. the main idea i would like to show in the end is that nature will allways prevail.
(bettah late than nevahh)
1)Most of my experiences with nature can be based around traveling and family vacations, etc. My family tends to plan more nature-based trips rather than going to touristy, commercialized areas. Even still, I have little experience with nature existing far away from this part of the world.
2)I enjoyed Cole’s technique of showing nature majestically and I also like the British Picturesque movement. Also the entire artist/scientist genre interested me.
3)I found Cole and Adam’s larger than life interpretation of nature intriguing. I also enjoyed Callahan’s high contrast style; this is may be something I could incorporate in my project.
4)My idea for the nature assignment is based around different forms of nature, plants and animals alike, interacting symbiotically in their habitats. Sort of working together for survival or just their general relationships with each other.
1. ive never really been a nature type. i dont hike, go for nature walks and things of that source. but photography wise i feel that nature is a very interesting thing to photograph.
2. i really dig chase's collages and chislitt's fog. i also liked dimmesdal's japenese scrolls
3. i like goldsworthy, pfahl, and cole and adams larger than life.
4. there is this really cool spot near my house that i call the cliff. its a beautiful veiw of the charles. from the top of the hill you can see everything. and if you walk down more you can get a very nice veiw down the river. i think photographing that general area will really show the beauty of nature
1. My family has always been the one that goes on camping trips and hikes for vacation. My experience with nature has been walking past trees growing up through cement in the city and also being in the middle of nature in Newfoundland or Maine. I have been to the Grand Canyon and other places out west, so I have seen many different forms of nature as well.
2. I think using blue or sepia toner sounds like an interesting challange. I would also like to try making photograms or collages with several photographs.
3.Caponigro, Zimmerman and Buchfield are two of my favorite photographers from this project. I am going to base my project off of Buchfield's photograms.
4. I would really like to try to do photograms or blueprints of objects from nature without pressing it down with glass, so you can really see texture and shadows.
.))most of my interaction with nature happens in the summer. i went to a summer camp in the berkshires for 7 summers and we lived in cabins for a month w/o electricty etc. i've also done a month long bike trip through new york/vermont/massachusetts which was pretty cool, and i saw some beautiful landscapes on my trip to south dakota two summers ago
..))i really liked chase's collages and klett's combinations of old/new aaaand lots of the photograms
...))i find caponigro,weston and ansel adams the most interesting. if i had to base an assignment around one of them it would definitely be caponigro. i love they way he can turn the simplest forms in nature into art dipicting something completely different (esp. the apple/universe)
....))my idea is to look at nature from a different point of view - level to the ground. i think it'll be cool to see the world from other than just the human perspective
1. Every summer I go to Maine for a week to visit family. We stay at a motel that is set in the woods and on the coast. This past summer I woke up at sunrise and decided to take a walk around. It was cool to just roam around and watch the sun rise over the ocean.
2. I really liked the P.O.V Watkins used when photographing the trees from below looking up. I also liked the blueprints and the underwater photos.
3. I liked Watkins and Burchfield. Fuss was also cool as he photographed water rings.
4. for this assignment I would really like to mimic Fuss' photos but I also am thinking of photographing trees and there leaves blowing in the wind. I would capture the motion the leaves take through a long exposure. Since it is fall I would shoot in color to enhance the motion.
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