eugene, adam and eve
Outline briefly your idea for the assignment. Remember to brainstorm, don't stop at "photograph my family", how? why? can you expand on that? what else can you include? Are there any techniques that you would like to try?
Keep going until you have an original, interesting idea.
My favorite photographer is Diane Arbus, because of the interesting subjects she photographs, and the directness of her portraits. For my project, I would like to photograph gay/lesbian couples. I know a lot of them, so it shouldn't be too hard to find subjects.
For my project I was inspired by the photograph of the black and white couple, I'm not sure of the photographer's name but it was the second slide in the slideshow. I was inspired by his framing and would like to do similar things in my project. I am going to shoot a lesbian couple but in close up shots with odd framing so you just see parts of their body and not the entire thing. My friend and her girlfriend have agreed to model for me so that shouldn't be an issue.
i cant remember the name of my favorite photographers cause i left my notes in my photo locker like a good student and i even starred abunch when i took notes to google them when i had to do this but all that staring goes for nothing now. i really enjoyed the photographs where photographer cropped just a hand on a shoulder or the mothers lips against her daughters ear, moments of intiminancy that we do not usually pick up on. i would ideally like to photograph a couple intertwined cuddiling in bed and only shoot upclose at different parts where their body's interact but since i dont know any couples that idea is no good. instead i will capture these moments of intimacy between my mom and her daughter a 19 year old who still clings to her like a 7 year old. preferably i would take it when the daughter is upset and mom is pacifying her a hand on her forehead or the daughters head on the mothers stomach probably on a couch.
I want to photograph old couples doing average things. I will look for them out walking, on buses and grocery shopping. I am curious as to how the culture of dating has changed over their lifetime. I also want to figure out how/ why two people stay together for so long. Relevant photographers would be Arbus for photographing certain groups of people (like freaks), Bill Brant, Dave Heath, Montali, Black, etc.
I really liked all the photographers who did intimate close ups, like Costello, Heath, and Nixon. I have a few ideas... one idea is to photograph my friends dog and cat who are really cute and snuggle with each other. Another idea was to photograph my aunt and her wife and maybe their daughter (but i see a few others are already photographing lesbians). Another idea was to photograph the relationship between teammates (i could do members of my track team). Or maybe I would do something with my dad and his sister. Clearly I haven't quite decided what i want to do.
For this assignment I would like to do something like a photo diary. I'm planning on spending some time with my friends, who I've been friends with since middle school, over Christmas break and basically document what we do. I guess I would be focusing more on the friend part of relationship than actual couples. I'm hoping for natural photos that I would take throughout the day, not posed and planned like I usually do. I'm hoping that I could borrow a polaroid camera so it would give the affect of quick snapshots. Like snapshots of my life! I want them to be straight forward without any hidden meaning. The whole point would be trying to show the close and fun relationship my group of friends and I have.
For this assignment I am thinking of taking pictures of me and my best friend. Her and I like a lot of the same stuff so we have a lot of the same clothes and I'd do some interesting close ups with me and her wearing the same stuff. And I could possibly include her little sister in this too because people have thought the three of us were triplets before. I have an interesting relationship with their family because their mom considers me her third daughter. Its pretty funny so I think it could be good for this project.
For my project I want to show the great amount of support and reliance that is involved in most really close relationships, specifically friendships. I want to show how in really close friendships when one person is unhappy the other feels it just as much and takes the responsibility of helping the other. I also really liked Ruth Bernhard's bold photograph of the intimate couple and the framing she used. I will use interesting, intimate framing to try and show the dependency and support that is necessary in such close relationships.
for my project, I will take 2-3 rolls of film (!!). My models will be couples (2-3 different couples). I will take close-up pictures of different parts of their bodies. I will print the photographs extremely small--contact sheet sized--and collage/combine the pictures to form one body. The concept is creating one form from two people, as two couple come together. fab.
I was inspired by the pictorialists(?) pictures. I would like to try to shoot out of focus intentionally, I think it'll be an interesting experience. I'm going to take pictures (out of focus in soft light) of my grandma in very elegant poses, like she's a queen. It represents her relationship to England (she was born there). Or maybe I will have her take me to places where she went on dates and spent time with people that she cared/cares about, and take pictures of her alone in those places.
My favorite photographs were the series of close-ups between a couple. What i want to do is take close-ups of people holding hands but they would be people from different types of relationships. One could be mother and daughter or friends or two people dating.
yo dawg, whaad up?
Hows life, ron?
I really liked the intimacy of the pictures done by Costello and Heath. I thought it would be interesting to show two parts of relationships. I would try to stage couples fighting and disagreeing and also close ups of them being very intimate. I will then put them side by side to compare the ups and downs of relationships.
I liked the photo by Avedon with the father holding the son at the beach. For my project I would like to take pictures of different sets of twins. I have a few friends who have twin siblings.
I loved the close ups by Heath, and how he conveyed intimate connections between people though only letting the viewer see isolated parts of their bodies. I was thinking about showing the relationship between my siblings in the same way, showing first how different they appear (i.e. we all have different color hair), but then showing their similarities/connections.
I was inspired by the pictures of intimate relationships we saw on the slide (i forget the photographers who did this)
I wanted to take close up-attempt at "intimate"- pictures of different types of relationships (families, friends, couples...) to compare how they are similar and different (hopefully through the picture).
I want to shoot the people at the same places a(a few locations) like Gowin did with his photograph series of wife and son seperate and together in a bed.
I know that the assignment said to not stop at "photograph my family", but it works so perfectly! I have these four pictures of my brothers on a dresser, each a senior portrait that my parents got. The first one is of my oldest brother, Joey. He is a lawer, and the most like my mom than any of my other brothers even he is not biologically related. The next picture is of my second oldest brother, Jonathan. In the picture he is smiling, but you can tell that he doesn't want to smile. This illistrates his personality perfectly. The third picture is of the third child in my family, Kyle. he has horrible pictures and was way too pail in the shot. what really illistrates him is the sperm tie that he is wearing. It has a sense of, "I don't really care, I just think it's funny." The last one is of me. in the picture i am smiling, but my top button on my shirt is undone and the tie that I am wearing is loose. being the one who worked the most in high school, not coming home until 8:00 most nights, the picture has a feeling of being tired, overworked, ready to get the hell out of high school.
These pictures illistrate my family perfectly. My three brothers all have something in common, but are so different in their experiences and mentalities. My mom is crazy, my dad is awkward, the Asian tenants at my house never leave and always study, one of my brothers is a stiff/second mother, the next one down is not really going anywhere, the further next one down is a hippie and plays music all day, and then there is me, the youngest, the last one, the one who no one knows what is happening to. I think my family would be a perfect subject for this project, especially seeing as Christmas is right around the corner, when everyone will be together in one place.
Hmm, I would love to explore human interaction in a variety of different contexts... friends, couples, family, strangers. I would really love to capture the little, almost-unnoticed glimpses of people's expressions, actions, etc. I know this will be kinda hard, so my backup plan will be to focus on the art of a couple (not just restricted to those in a relationship), the shapes they make when they're interacting. I'll probably go for silhouette-y pictures if I roll with that idea.
I wanted to do my friend's relationship with himself. I'd try to double-expose so it would like he's talking with himself, playing cards with himself and other such things. I would also have him wear 18th century style clothes as a reflection of how he views himself.
first of all Doisneau's picture is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. that defently has inspired me jusdt to take pictures of those small moments in a couple in the streets. so i might just have to take random pictures of random couples. The other pitures that got me was the Barney pictures where it is like a thearter. I might set up a little break up scene with a couple on a phone...
I want to some how represent the way a relationship develops. There are certain ways you can act around a really close friend. Ideally what i want to do is have a few of my friends (some that arent freinds with eachother) and take pictures of them together. This might be kind of awkward so i might just have 2 of my friends and show the different stages of their friendship in a series of photographs.
For my project I want to photograph my five closest friends (I promise this is not just me stopping at "taking pictures of my friends," there is more to it). We had all become friends in 8th grade, our last year of middle school, entering Newton North together as a unit. We used to make bets about whether or not we would still be friends by the time graduation came around. In high school, people tend to find their niche; they really grow up become individuals. On the surface, it may seem that my friends are not as close as we once were in middle school. We have all separated a little bit from the unit in order to explore our unique selves. However, although I may not spend quite as much time with them as I used to, the time I do spend with them is the time that I enjoy the most. This year is our senior year, our last year in school together, and I hope to capture in my photographs the unique character of group of friends that has withstood the test of time.
So I'm not sure where my original post went, but it was, in fact, on the blog. It's okay if you don't believe. But it's TRUE.
I am, in fact, going to stop right at my family. Because they good people, dog. In all seriousness, I am going to shoot the three youngest of the nine siblings on my papa's side of the family (my dad included). Originally I wanted to shoot all nine siblings. Unfortunately, the DiMambro family has fallen apart and spread out within the past couple of years, so it is impossible to get all of their photos. So now I am only going to shoot the three youngest, who are actually the three closest (like tight, not "I'm super near to you"). I thought maybe I'd make a family tree, and all the missing photos will be the parts of the family that aren't really in touch anymore. It's really more of a project for my dad than anything else.
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