For my project I'm going to show how my mom's parents influenced her and then how in turn she influences me. There are a lot of interesting old photos she has of her family which I'll use along with photos I'll take of her now, photos of both of us together, and probably some writing. I got the inspiration from Larry Sultan's Pictures From Home where he mixes old family photos with current ones and writing to try and understand his family chemistry realistically. I want to show how many of my mom's traits came from using her parents as a model. Some traits she kept the same in her life, such as being kind and generous. In other cases she chose the opposite, such as talking about things that are sad or difficult to talk about instead of opressing them. Then I'll show how I use my parents as a model to either follow or change, the same way my mom used hers.
My favorite photo from the slideshow were the ones of the Asian man how took a series of shots with writing on his face until it completely covered his features.
I have been strongly influenced by books I have read. I will take photos of the people who gave me the books that have been most influential, and then write quotes from the books on the prints.
The picture(s) from the slideshow were the ones of the asian man with progressively more and more characters on his face until he was completely covered in them.
In the beginning of the slideshow we were going over the words that could help us get ideas for the project. When I heard events and education an idea just clicked. When I was younger I was obsessed with the monkey bars on playgrounds but in the 3rd grade I was trying to do some flip and I fell and broke my wrist. So I was thinking of going back to some of the playgrounds I have memories associated with and taking some black and white pictures.
I really liked the idea of the woman who investigated her heritage and found out about how her ancestors were part of the slave trade. The moral dilemma of whether or not we are responsible for our forebearers' actions interests me.
For this project, I wanted to focus on the heritage aspect of influences. I am going to Italy this week, and being part Italian has given me a strong connection to the country. It's hard to say what I will find there, but I hope to capture images that somehow relate to how the culture of Italy has had an impact on me.
The image that stood out to me would be of the one where there is one asian man with one character and then it increases until he completely turns blue.
I'm planning on concentrating on the categories of people and events that has encouraged me in life. My friends would be an obvious influence in my life in many aspects, but I figured out recently that what really influences me to do something is when a person smiles at me happily. Maybe I'll go around taking pictures of peoples' smiles and even go up to strangers.
The images that stood out for me were the ones from Robert Frank's "The Americans".
I think our generation and neighborhood have a great influence on us so I want to take pictures on things in my environment that influence me in everyday life.
Hopefully i could take these pictures with a digital camera.
I really liked the cindy sherman images because last year in english I did a writing assignment based off that image of her looking into the mirror and it allowed me to connect that to my influences. But I was also intrigued by her relationship to her gender, which triggered a connection to the gender study & experiments I did when I was in New York.
But for my project I was more impacted by the quotes, in particular "I am all that I have met."-Alfred Lord Tennyson. I think that I am going to concentrate on all the people, and maybe places, in my life; than, on the computers subtly incorporate myself into the image. For instance I get my sense humor from my dad, so ill take a picture of him laughing but in his smile might be me smiling too. Something like that. With a place, such as New York for instance, i might take a picture of the skyline (im going there for break) and than in the sky, above the city silhouettes, have me...I'm still thinking it through.
I really liked the Larry clark photos relating to the influence of friends on him. I also thought the Sato pictures with the light ball things were really interesting.
I liked the idea of education.
I think I want to do something where I photography my old elementary school classrooms (if i can get in to the school). Or maybe just the exterior of the school, the playground, the doors, views into the windows. And I would also take pictures of some of the books i learned to read from/ was read to by my parents. Maybe my assignment would relate to how it is is me looking in the past, how i am now an outsider (so i wouldn't really be IN the school, and the kids books would be next to adult books...)
I liked Freida Colow's painting done after her accident. I also liked Greenfield, Diane Arbus and Clark. I want to photograph a few different categories (friends, family, etc.) and stitch them together somehow, maybe through relevant literature?
The images from Girl Culture really stood out for me. They were hauntingly realistic images of the effects that the media has on girls.
While thinking about what influences me, I realized that there is not one determining factor that has made me who I am. Therefore I was thinking about taking pictures of the many things that have influenced who I am today, and digitally compile them into the form of my body.
1. Like Micah, I wrote about the Cindy Sherman photographs for English class last year. The pictures particularly stuck out for me because of the different gender roles that society could put a women in.
2. For my assignment, I want to focus on the influence that the media has on our culture.
3. I plan to take pictures of models from magazines and then overlay pictures of how those ads or models influence different aspects of our society.
The images I liked the best were the chicago expiremental photographs. I like the concept of using a camera to take pictures of things that aren't "pictures" (if that makes any sense). I also liked Steiglitz's cloud pictures. I feel like looking at clouds is kind of a way to reflect inward, since they are so peaceful; they just kind of float by. I'm going to focus on more sentimental influences for my assignment, maybe certain places I have been at different times of my life. I don't know what my pictures will look like yet...but they will be super awesome.
from the slideshow i really enjoyed the photos that Sato did with the lights, they were very different and interesting. for my project i want to focus on the ideals/idols category of influences. i wanted to the images pop culture reflects like ideal sterotypes of men and women and contrast that with street art and grafitii that fights back against popular images. these images influence me and i am torn between billboards and street art like push and pull each side wanting you and most people are usually stuck in the middle, agreeing with some popular culture and revolting against some things they strongly believe in. this push and pull is what i want to base my project off. i wil probably have a bunch of dipticts to present my pictures.
I liked Tokihiro Sato's photographs with the lights.
One of my influences is my heritage. I want to explore the effect my heritage has in influencing my life, because it's something I don't think of usually. I want to take pictures of the strange blend of Japanese, American and Italian culture that I have from different parts of my family in the form of clothes, possessions, and food.
Rexroth's and Morris' pictures of Iowa and Nebraska depicted the midwest as charming, a word I would have never used to describe that area of the country (although I've never been there). This was appealing. For my project I would like to explore how education influences students and how society is built around it. I want to shoot documentary pictures of academic institutes and buildings.
I liked the pictures Metzger took of different parts of Chicago. I liked how all of the pictures were dark and a little high contrast. I want to do a few parts to this assignment with the main things that influence me and connect them. One of the biggest influences for me is my sister and her friends...over vacation i'm visiting her at school so i was going to use a polaroid to take pictures at her school. I am also very influenced by places i have been and my peers. I am going to take pictures of places and people that influence me and double expose them. The last part is how items influence where i want to go when i'm older (i love to travel) so i was going to have a picture of a map in the back with an item(like clothes tags) layered on top. i will some how connect the three topics....
1. the pictures that Andy Warhol took don't necessarily fit in with my project concept, but i do like the way he showed an entire generation as well as he did with a few photographs. i like the idea of using famous figures, but then changing their colors around to make it fit in with the current youth, or pop culture (which influenced him to make this pop art).
2. my inspiration often comes from my perspective on situations and scenarios that i encounter regularly. this would be a personal project, in that i would have to show specific situations that have had an influence on me because of my perspective and/or participation in the scenario.
3. my pictures are going to have two perspectives; one from a stander-by who is witnessing this event, and one from me (or someone playing me) who is experiencing this event (these shots can come from the back of the head or from directly where i stand. they can also be from what would be concieved as a stander-by, but because the main character would be alone during these moments they couldn't be from a stander-by). to accentuate the lonelyness of some of these pictures, i might have a far shot and a lot of darkness around the person, too.
The pictures i liked in the slide show by kratochri stood out to me the most. I believe events shape our lives. The theme my project will be under is "events" because i a man who lives in the present. i am influence by the events which entangle myself in or see.
My picture's will be snapshots of the things which i see in my life. I can't truly tell you exactly what my pictures will be of but i will make a list of what could be. I'm planing to take at a minimum 60 shots and choose the events that influence/interest me. The things that make me think are exactly what drives or "influence" me and my actions. i want to take these picture over 5 day period. -People -buildings -objects -designs -actions
for my project i was thinking of showing my family as my insperation. It would be like a less exaggerated version of Joy Luck Club where my family/heritage has shaped the way i'am today. Another idea i had was to show the infulence in moving houses had on me. I was thinking of doing that by shooting pictures in that certain area with a faint shadow of a person in the background and that person would represent me.
My favorite photos from the slideshow were by Anderson, Carucci, and Rexroth. I liked the reminisce-y feel of the diana camera used by Rexroth to show how his (or her?) past influences him (/her?)
for my project I wanted to focus on how my past influences me. I was thinking about taking my childhood pictures and recreating them by either going back to the location or setting up the scene, and then maybe displaying the now and then next to each other.
I really liked Petrbeard's collages-his photographs were all very interesting, but i also liked the aesthetic aspects. I want to explore the influences I know I have but but would rather not, i.e. society, pop culture, ..depending on the influence, I will take pictures of different things and come up with one piece that is a conglomeration of these influences, l ike Peterbeard's images.
the images that stood out to my were frida calow. her abstract, yet creppy approach to her own influences opened the door in my eyes to many different tones that can be explored within this project. i want to concentrate on my family. as of now i want a dinner table set up, and make it as creepy/weird as i can in the darkroom
I really like the idea of being influenced by art and possibly music. I might look through a couple paintings and perhaps recreate it with a modern twist. I'm thinking about using surrealist paintings as my influence, such as those by Magritte.
One picture i really liked was the one of the Asian man with all of the characters on his face, and how in each picture there were more and more of them.
because i've been influenced in my ideas on life and society (along with the public) by movies, my idea is to try and re-create scenes from some of my favorite movies. (possibly with some sort of twist to it) I also want to put the main idea i'm trying to portray in writing on the picture itself. I want to portray both the theme of the movie along with my personal idea, and how i interpret the theme.
For my project I'm going to show how my mom's parents influenced her and then how in turn she influences me. There are a lot of interesting old photos she has of her family which I'll use along with photos I'll take of her now, photos of both of us together, and probably some writing. I got the inspiration from Larry Sultan's Pictures From Home where he mixes old family photos with current ones and writing to try and understand his family chemistry realistically. I want to show how many of my mom's traits came from using her parents as a model. Some traits she kept the same in her life, such as being kind and generous. In other cases she chose the opposite, such as talking about things that are sad or difficult to talk about instead of opressing them. Then I'll show how I use my parents as a model to either follow or change, the same way my mom used hers.
My favorite photo from the slideshow were the ones of the Asian man how took a series of shots with writing on his face until it completely covered his features.
I have been strongly influenced by books I have read. I will take photos of the people who gave me the books that have been most influential, and then write quotes from the books on the prints.
The picture(s) from the slideshow were the ones of the asian man with progressively more and more characters on his face until he was completely covered in them.
In the beginning of the slideshow we were going over the words that could help us get ideas for the project. When I heard events and education an idea just clicked. When I was younger I was obsessed with the monkey bars on playgrounds but in the 3rd grade I was trying to do some flip and I fell and broke my wrist. So I was thinking of going back to some of the playgrounds I have memories associated with and taking some black and white pictures.
I really liked the idea of the woman who investigated her heritage and found out about how her ancestors were part of the slave trade. The moral dilemma of whether or not we are responsible for our forebearers' actions interests me.
For this project, I wanted to focus on the heritage aspect of influences. I am going to Italy this week, and being part Italian has given me a strong connection to the country. It's hard to say what I will find there, but I hope to capture images that somehow relate to how the culture of Italy has had an impact on me.
The image that stood out to me would be of the one where there is one asian man with one character and then it increases until he completely turns blue.
I'm planning on concentrating on the categories of people and events that has encouraged me in life. My friends would be an obvious influence in my life in many aspects, but I figured out recently that what really influences me to do something is when a person smiles at me happily. Maybe I'll go around taking pictures of peoples' smiles and even go up to strangers.
The images that stood out for me were the ones from Robert Frank's "The Americans".
I think our generation and neighborhood have a great influence on us so I want to take pictures on things in my environment that influence me in everyday life.
Hopefully i could take these pictures with a digital camera.
I really liked the cindy sherman images because last year in english I did a writing assignment based off that image of her looking into the mirror and it allowed me to connect that to my influences. But I was also intrigued by her relationship to her gender, which triggered a connection to the gender study & experiments I did when I was in New York.
But for my project I was more impacted by the quotes, in particular "I am all that I have met."-Alfred Lord Tennyson. I think that I am going to concentrate on all the people, and maybe places, in my life; than, on the computers subtly incorporate myself into the image. For instance I get my sense humor from my dad, so ill take a picture of him laughing but in his smile might be me smiling too. Something like that. With a place, such as New York for instance, i might take a picture of the skyline (im going there for break) and than in the sky, above the city silhouettes, have me...I'm still thinking it through.
I really liked the Larry clark photos relating to the influence of friends on him. I also thought the Sato pictures with the light ball things were really interesting.
I liked the idea of education.
I think I want to do something where I photography my old elementary school classrooms (if i can get in to the school). Or maybe just the exterior of the school, the playground, the doors, views into the windows. And I would also take pictures of some of the books i learned to read from/ was read to by my parents. Maybe my assignment would relate to how it is is me looking in the past, how i am now an outsider (so i wouldn't really be IN the school, and the kids books would be next to adult books...)
I liked Freida Colow's painting done after her accident. I also liked Greenfield, Diane Arbus and Clark. I want to photograph a few different categories (friends, family, etc.) and stitch them together somehow, maybe through relevant literature?
The images from Girl Culture really stood out for me. They were hauntingly realistic images of the effects that the media has on girls.
While thinking about what influences me, I realized that there is not one determining factor that has made me who I am. Therefore I was thinking about taking pictures of the many things that have influenced who I am today, and digitally compile them into the form of my body.
1. Like Micah, I wrote about the Cindy Sherman photographs for English class last year. The pictures particularly stuck out for me because of the different gender roles that society could put a women in.
2. For my assignment, I want to focus on the influence that the media has on our culture.
3. I plan to take pictures of models from magazines and then overlay pictures of how those ads or models influence different aspects of our society.
The images I liked the best were the chicago expiremental photographs. I like the concept of using a camera to take pictures of things that aren't "pictures" (if that makes any sense). I also liked Steiglitz's cloud pictures. I feel like looking at clouds is kind of a way to reflect inward, since they are so peaceful; they just kind of float by. I'm going to focus on more sentimental influences for my assignment, maybe certain places I have been at different times of my life. I don't know what my pictures will look like yet...but they will be super awesome.
from the slideshow i really enjoyed the photos that Sato did with the lights, they were very different and interesting. for my project i want to focus on the ideals/idols category of influences. i wanted to the images pop culture reflects like ideal sterotypes of men and women and contrast that with street art and grafitii that fights back against popular images. these images influence me and i am torn between billboards and street art like push and pull each side wanting you and most people are usually stuck in the middle, agreeing with some popular culture and revolting against some things they strongly believe in. this push and pull is what i want to base my project off. i wil probably have a bunch of dipticts to present my pictures.
I liked Tokihiro Sato's photographs with the lights.
One of my influences is my heritage. I want to explore the effect my heritage has in influencing my life, because it's something I don't think of usually. I want to take pictures of the strange blend of Japanese, American and Italian culture that I have from different parts of my family in the form of clothes, possessions, and food.
Rexroth's and Morris' pictures of Iowa and Nebraska depicted the midwest as charming, a word I would have never used to describe that area of the country (although I've never been there). This was appealing.
For my project I would like to explore how education influences students and how society is built around it. I want to shoot documentary pictures of academic institutes and buildings.
I liked the pictures Metzger took of different parts of Chicago. I liked how all of the pictures were dark and a little high contrast.
I want to do a few parts to this assignment with the main things that influence me and connect them. One of the biggest influences for me is my sister and her friends...over vacation i'm visiting her at school so i was going to use a polaroid to take pictures at her school.
I am also very influenced by places i have been and my peers. I am going to take pictures of places and people that influence me and double expose them.
The last part is how items influence where i want to go when i'm older (i love to travel) so i was going to have a picture of a map in the back with an item(like clothes tags) layered on top.
i will some how connect the three topics....
1. the pictures that Andy Warhol took don't necessarily fit in with my project concept, but i do like the way he showed an entire generation as well as he did with a few photographs. i like the idea of using famous figures, but then changing their colors around to make it fit in with the current youth, or pop culture (which influenced him to make this pop art).
2. my inspiration often comes from my perspective on situations and scenarios that i encounter regularly. this would be a personal project, in that i would have to show specific situations that have had an influence on me because of my perspective and/or participation in the scenario.
3. my pictures are going to have two perspectives; one from a stander-by who is witnessing this event, and one from me (or someone playing me) who is experiencing this event (these shots can come from the back of the head or from directly where i stand. they can also be from what would be concieved as a stander-by, but because the main character would be alone during these moments they couldn't be from a stander-by). to accentuate the lonelyness of some of these pictures, i might have a far shot and a lot of darkness around the person, too.
The pictures i liked in the slide show by kratochri stood out to me the most. I believe events shape our lives.
The theme my project will be under is "events" because i a man who lives in the present. i am influence by the events which entangle myself in or see.
My picture's will be snapshots of the things which i see in my life. I can't truly tell you exactly what my pictures will be of but i will make a list of what could be. I'm planing to take at a minimum 60 shots and choose the events that influence/interest me. The things that make me think are exactly what drives or "influence" me and my actions. i want to take these picture over 5 day period.
for my project i was thinking of showing my family as my insperation. It would be like a less exaggerated version of Joy Luck Club where my family/heritage has shaped the way i'am today. Another idea i had was to show the infulence in moving houses had on me. I was thinking of doing that by shooting pictures in that certain area with a faint shadow of a person in the background and that person would represent me.
My favorite photos from the slideshow were by Anderson, Carucci, and Rexroth. I liked the reminisce-y feel of the diana camera used by Rexroth to show how his (or her?) past influences him (/her?)
for my project I wanted to focus on how my past influences me. I was thinking about taking my childhood pictures and recreating them by either going back to the location or setting up the scene, and then maybe displaying the now and then next to each other.
I really liked Petrbeard's collages-his photographs were all very interesting, but i also liked the aesthetic aspects. I want to explore the influences I know I have but but would rather not, i.e. society, pop culture, ..depending on the influence, I will take pictures of different things and come up with one piece that is a conglomeration of these influences, l ike Peterbeard's images.
the images that stood out to my were frida calow. her abstract, yet creppy approach to her own influences opened the door in my eyes to many different tones that can be explored within this project. i want to concentrate on my family. as of now i want a dinner table set up, and make it as creepy/weird as i can in the darkroom
i like robert frank and cindy sherman. i would like to do self-portraits that reflect american culture's influence on me.
I really like the idea of being influenced by art and possibly music. I might look through a couple paintings and perhaps recreate it with a modern twist. I'm thinking about using surrealist paintings as my influence, such as those by Magritte.
One picture i really liked was the one of the Asian man with all of the characters on his face, and how in each picture there were more and more of them.
because i've been influenced in my ideas on life and society (along with the public) by movies, my idea is to try and re-create scenes from some of my favorite movies. (possibly with some sort of twist to it) I also want to put the main idea i'm trying to portray in writing on the picture itself. I want to portray both the theme of the movie along with my personal idea, and how i interpret the theme.
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