Wednesday, March 4, 2009

RELATIONSHIPSwithin and between photographs

ed ruscha

What technique of combination are you going to use and what are you going to photograph?


Max Reebo said...

I want to do a series on many pictures of couples holding hands or showing signs of affection.
iim thinking of just doing a giant contact sheet kind of a thing. to do this i need the 72 shot camera!!!

MiDo said...

I was thinking of doing something like chase, it looks like something new that I haven't done before and I want to try it out. But if that doesn't work I was thinking of doing a typology on faces. (and for my collage I would also do a face)
I'm still thinking it through. I think that I would want to be on the computer for this one, but I'm not sure

Drew said...

i was interesting in the series of photographs that had the projection of a ghostly looking figure in them, i feel as if exploring the illogical side of relationships within could be a very fun and revealing project. possibily even doing a story like "death comes to the old lady". also i would like to have a focal point in this project with framing. alot of the photos we saw in the slideshow gave a message through its framing.

cindy said...

I want to do diptychs. I really liked Behren's photographs where there's two pictures that have something in common, either color, shape, or idea. I think it would be fun to do something like that. I'm going to take pictures of basically anything that seems related in my point of view.

Anonymous said...

I thought the typologies were really cool so I was thinking of doing that for my project. I want to shoot pictures of trains, like the engines and cabs and stuff but I'm not sure if I can find enough different ones. But we'll see.

Unknown said...

i want to photograph people's point of view on other people and what they first think/notice/what their eye's go to when they see him. i will do tripticts to accomplish this by have the first photo a over the shoulder/ or face of the looker then the person they are looking at, and then what they focus on when they are looking at them
ex. john, jacob, close up on jacob's eyes.

Nolan Gargas said...

The technique I am going to use is double exposures. I am going to shoot digital/color film and use the computer to layer the images.

I am going to take pictures of urban enviroments and then layer them with pictures from nature.

Unknown said...

I am going to shoot photos of trees at night illuminated by street lamps. I am going to create triptics with my photos similar to those done by Hiallard.

Isabella said...

I'd like to work on the computers.
I loved the ideas of projection of the Jewish people onto different scenes- I like the idea of double layers.
You know those books that have like the outside of a castle on a transparency and then you peel that away and it's the inside of a castle? I'd like to try that idea (but not creating a book. All my projects are super involved. I need a break).
Robin's last relationship project of the merging of two faces really caught my fancy, so I guess I'm drawing on her work for this new relationship project.
OK then.

Jess said...

For my project I'm going to use interesting point of view, by starting with a picture of a persons face up close and then progressively farther away until you can completely see their surroundings. I got the idea from colomers photographs, except i'll be showing the porgression backwards; instead of the person coming closer and closer they'll be getting farther and farther away. I'll also try to find settings for the people that are unexpected, and display the pictures as triptics.

Isabella said...

Or maybe I'll do a typology of something crazy.
Like hairlines.

girl said...

I was inspired by Conover's technique.. so I plan to find connections between strangers and combine them via triptych or polyptych(I'm incapable of spelling that word).

Hannah said...

I want to photograph people and their favorite childhood toys. I would present them as diptics - with the portraits on one side and the toy on the other. I also want to have my subjects give me stories about it to show along with the photos.

Sachi said...

I want to do a series of visual puns—like showing someone taking a walk in the park, with a wok (the cooking pan) in the park, in order to show the sometimes illogical among between a word, its meanings, and between the meanings. I think I would use digital.

Anonymous said...
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Sasha said...

i want to do a typology through tripdics, in which i perhaps also explore a story. i want to either focus on different parts of the same person's body, or focus on the same part of different people's bodies (like the photo of the many mouths).i want to arrange them in an unexpected way, with blank spaces left in between parts.

Anonymous said...

my technique will have mostly logical, but at first the connections will seem to be illogical. I am going to take pictures of one of two things:

1. My first idea was taking pictures of ingredients that go into things that you wouldn't think to have ingredients (ex. a tomato). I might get a little fanciful with the idea and show the ingredients for maybe a romantic night out, or a fun time at the park, or a bad time on a roller coaster (maybe not that one). These pictures could come together into an equation of sorts.

2. My other idea was to take pictures of whatever items i come across while playing the Wikipedia game. im sure you all know of this game (five clicks to jesus).

Robin Hayashi said...

My technique is layers. I will take pictures of people (full-length, wearing few clothes, all neutral tones/no patterns) against a neutral background and use artificial light. The pictures will be normal/high contrast, focusing on the shadows, shapes, lines etc. of the body.
I will develop/print in the darkroom.
I will then use anatomy books to make transparencies that show bones/muscles/arteries/nerves in the body and either put the transparency directly over the image or project it on top of the image. Fab.

e23e2e said...

I am going to do double-exposures of bicycles in the darkroom. I plan to to do a whole range of close-ups on specific parts, and whole bicycle combinations.

jazzy said...

i plan to use the camera that takes 72 shots and photograph people in conversation with fancy angles/lighting

emma k said...

I think that i want to do a typology on the computer. I think I want to do ears maybe. Or maybe refrigerators, but i don't think I would be able to find enough (go to enough peoples' houses)

Anonymous said...

my idea for a project is to take a picture of people with their favorite object. i plan to take one picture of the person and then another one of the object and then double expose them in the dark room. i want to keep it simple on a white back round.

Unknown said...

The technique i'm going to use is double exposure beause i really want to increase my ability to do that. I will do something with a scene and an object that are common in shape and paste on ontop of the other, i think. It may need a bit more work.

Jenny said...

I liked the surrealist sort of juxtaposition of objects that might not have an immediate connection to each other. Maybe I might take pictures of everyday objects but their shadows/reflections will actually be distorted or something else. I could probably work in the darkroom this time.

Rebecca said...

I like typologies because it is interesting how the same object can also be different.
For my project, I want to show the ingredients that go into a dish by placing them through out the frame.

Rebecca said...

I like typologies because it is interesting how the same object can also be different.
For my project, I want to show the ingredients that go into a dish by placing them through out the frame.